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6 best crystals for protection and to activate all chakras

Los cristales son formaciones provenientes de las rocas y emanan de las profundidades de la Tierra. Según los entendidos, cada uno de ellos posee una forma específica de vibrar y transmite una energía particular, que se corresponde de una manera especial con cada persona.6 mejores cristales para la protección y para activar todos los chakras 6 mejores cristales para la protección y para activar todos los chakras

In addition to providing protection, there are crystals related to love, others to vitality and some with money and prosperity, in addition to other possibilities.Keep reading to discover which one is the most appropriate according to your zodiac sign and your aspirations.

Table of Contents

Onix black

The ónix is classified as a very powerful crystal, which is attributed physical and spiritual healing qualities.It is said that this stone has the property of blocking the negative energies that vibrate in the environment, so it is considered the ideal gem for protection.

It is also known as ónice, it belongs to the family of quartz, and is in different colors, but the black color is the one with the greatest capacity to repel negative energies, because of its brightness so special that, as a mirror, it divertsThe bad vibrations

This crystal is rare and difficult to find, which makes its price more expensive.Among its therapeutic qualities are the application for skin, nails and hair.It also acts strengthening bones and muscles, and improves the appearance as it prevents aging.Additionally, it applies to cases of neuronal problems.

It is also used to clean the aura, because it is associated with inner peace and the blockade of negative thoughts, and also helps to overcome fears.The ónix is associated with the first chakra, located in the coxis, and is a symbol of wisdom, so it is considered the image of the teacher and is related to Saturn and the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Pink quartz

This stone is one of the most energy that is known and its most outstanding properties are to promote love and compassion, since it has the ability to convert negative vibrations into love energy, towards oneself and towards others.

Carrying a pink quartz or having it close also generates relaxation and fights stress, since it provides a sensation of peace and harmony.Likewise, it balances emotions, cutting sadness and concern in positive feelings, so it is also recommended for cases of depression.

Pink quartz is widely used in lithotherapy.Traditionally it is a stone associated with the heart, so it is believed to contribute to improving circulation, reducing blood pressure and avoiding cardiovascular disorders.For this reason, the pink quartz is related to the fourth chakra, which is located on the chest.

About this gem there are several legends.One of them tells that Isis, the Egyptian goddess of fertility, rubbed her face with a pink quartz to stay young and beautiful, so all Egyptian wounded and mixed it with natural oils to apply it on the face.

Likewise, there is another Greek story that tells how pink quartz took its color from Aphrodite's blood once it was injured.For this reason, and because Aphrodite is the goddess of love, this glass is associated with the planet Venus and the signs of Taurus and Libra.


The amethyst is considered the stone of spirituality, inner peace, the search for truth, mystery and transmutation.It is recommended to have it in contact with the skin, for its property of trocating negative energies in positive, and also because it attracts success in business.

Likewise, the amethyst helps to relax the nerves and eliminate anxiety, so it fights insomnia and removes the nightmares.For this reason, it is recommended to place an amethyst under the pillow, which, at the same time, provides visionary dreams.

It is believed that it protects especially against jealousy and envy, and in lithotherapy it is used to combat rheumatism and headaches, while providing energy both in the physical and spiritual field.

This gem is an important part of the jewels of the Catholic Church, since from the Middle Ages it began to take as a symbol of chastity, divine wisdom and renunciation of the material material.Likewise, its purple color is associated with the clothing of bishops and cardinals.

It is considered that the amethyst is the gem that corresponds to the sixth and seventh chakras, which are located, one between the eyes- the third eye- and another on the head.As for astrology, this crystal corresponds to the sign of Pisces.

Citrine Quartz

This is one of the most original gems for its intense yellow color by pulling towards orange.It is considered the stone of desire, wealth and prosperity, and is closely associated with gold since it is used to detect the presence of this valuable mineral.

Between its most outstanding properties are those of attracting happiness and abundance to those who use it as amulet.It also relates to power and sun's rays, and astrologically governs Leo's sign.

This quartz also serves to remove negative emotions and fight bad intentions by those who try to harm us.Additionally, this glass favors learning and creativity.

Because of its high power to provide energy and its color, it also associates sexual vigor and therefore with the second chakra, which is between the pubis and the navel and controls the genital organs.Likewise, due to its yellow color, it additionally has positive effects on the third chakra, which is responsible for the liver and stomach.


The adventurine is another form of presentation of the quartz, so it is also called the green quartz.It is one of the most attractive crystals that exist due to its striking color and since ancient times it has been used in lithotherapy for its healing qualities as well as to recover lost energies.His name comes from the word Ventura because he is related to good luck.

This stone has been one of the most used in traditional Chinese medicine due to the properties attributed to it, among which are to deflate, improve circulation and level blood pressure, as well as relieve nausea and headaches.It also applies to beauty treatments to soften wrinkles and eliminate dark circles.

6 mejores cristales para la protección y para activar todos los chakras

On the other hand, at the emotional level, the primary qualities of this gem are those of influencing the moods, generating enthusiasm and self -confidence to achieve the goals, so it is advisable to take it as long as new projects begin.It also provides emotional stability and offers protection against the negative energies of the environment.

This glass has been called "the stone of eternity" because it provides a state of superior serenity, which eliminates the fear of old age and death.Likewise, it promotes the connection with nature and the ancient wise related it to great mystical secrets.It is associated with the fourth chakra, which is that of the heart, and astrologically has connection with the cancer sign.


Turmaline is a crystal that is presented in various tones, so it has multiple applications and affects all chakras.In general, it serves to purify the aura and recover emotional balance, while generating self -confidence, eliminates fears, repels negative energies and promotes friendship.

This gem can be found in pink, yellow, blue, red, brown and black colors, being the most used by being considered a very effective amulet to attract good luck and because it serves to relieve all pain and heal thewounds, both physical and spiritual.

Blue tourmaline is also especially required due to its properties to cure throat diseases and improve communication in all environments.For this reason this stone is associated with the fifth chakra, which is found in the neck, and it is believed that it stimulates the expression of deep feelings.

Astrologically, each of the colors is associated with a different sign.

In addition to the aforementioned crystals, there are hundreds of others also troops who, in addition to providing protection, serve to relieve various ailments and mood situations.However, there are some that will adapt better, depending on personal characteristics, so it is always good to attend the advice of experts, which are normally found in stores that sell gems of this class.

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