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Heart what was from Liberto López de la Franca, the contestant of 'cornered' who requested jail for Kiko Hernández

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There was a time when the name of Liberto López de la Franca and Galico enjoyed a lot of popularity on television.From Professor of the Crown Jewels to Corona's contestant, in the edition that Nagore Robles won (38 years).Natural of Ciudad Real, son of humble Manchego parents, López de la Franca knew a path, and today his curriculum is vast and broad.He is president of the Royal Institute Alfonso XIII, historian, humanist, biographer, researcher and universal history professor.

In addition, in 1993 he carried out military service as Alférez in Segovia, being appointed librarian of the Artillery Academy.Founding academic with the number one medal of the disappeared Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Ciudad Real, José Liberto becomes with the time chief of the House of the Infante of Spain Leandro Alfonso de Borbón Ruiz Austria Austria.At present, he lives totally separated from television and media life - not from institutional and stately life - by his own decision since December 2011, and exercises of great maestre and great general marshal in the sacred school of cavalry of Alfonso XIII.

López de la Franca in an image of their social networks.

Despite his voluntary withdrawal, there is great interest in his person.Before diving in your present, let's travel to your roots.López de la Franca was born on May 23, 1974.His humanistic training begins by Eduardo Matos Barrio -which was a professor of King Juan Carlos I (83) -, becoming López de la Franca into his most outstanding student.Throughout the years he has played several private secretariats of relevant characters of Spanish public life.From all his professional baggage, he emphasizes that he was head of the house of the father of Blanca de Borbón (62), as well as his private secretary from 2002 to 2009.Then this abandonment of his own will, surprises the decision of Liberto López de la Franca.It is enrolled in two adventures for him: he becomes a professor of oratory and protocol in space the jewels of the crown and contest in the space cornered of Telecinco.Spurred by the success of survivors, the Mediaset chain opted for this format, renamed the program as cornered: adventure in the forest.

There Liberto agreed with Blanca de Borbón, which although now he joins an "intimate friendship" -as he held in 2019 in digital closure -it was not always like that.In the Telecinco space, López de la Franca unveiled that when he was hired as head of the house of Leandro de Borbón he was entrusted to him the mission of reconciling father and children.

Corazón Qué fue de Liberto López de la Franca, el concursante de 'Acorralados' que pidió cárcel para Kiko Hernández

A task that could not carry out because it was prevented from "both Leandro and his current family," although he said, "I would have liked to have encouraged a reconciliation".In the aforementioned interview, he explained the reasons why he left his position: "Two primary factors: my contumaz defense to make him see and assert a sincere reconciliation with all his children have had of his first marriage, and to assess the legitimate interests of these in front ofYour stepbrother.And another factor about my personal life, which I prefer to clear it in the pages of my book ".

But his passage through reality also brought a war without a quarter between Liberto, the chain and several characters, such as Kiko Hernández (45).This was explained by the collaborator of Sálvame: "He (Liberto López de la Franca) decided to file a complaint in the Courts of Plaza Castilla de Madrid against various media and people, among whom I included me, 'for an alleged illegitimate interference in his rightto honor, personal intimacy and own image on the occasion of the publications and comments that they had made in certain pages and blogs of the Internet towards him '".

Kiko Hernández's publication in 'Kiko's confessional', where he showed the ruling.

And Hernández added: "Several posts with information and opinions about this contestant that I published here, in my blog the Kiko confessional, during the course of the cornered reality.One of them, in which he collected the photographs that Liberto had been taken in the house of D.Leandro de Bourbon while he was asleep.Legitimized Bastard Son of Alfonso XIII and father of Blanca de Borbón, whom I keep a tremendous affection and that in Save Me Deluxe revealed to us what had happened to him with Liberto de la Franca ".It is pointed out with respect to those photographs that did not take them Liberto, but the general secretary of the House of the Infante Leandro.This woman, as she slides, was in charge of sending the photographs.

In this demand, "the amount of 150 was requested.000 euros for emerging damage and another 150.000 for loss of profit, a total amount of 300.000 euros, as compensation for moral, psychological and economic damages suffered by the plaintiff as a consequence of the statements published and exposed in the claim, as well as the payment of interest and costs ".Regarding the demand, this newspaper is explained that it was filed in the criminal.At present, it is located in the Supreme Court, in appeal.

Liberto López de la Franca in an image of their social networks.

In 2019, Liberto made clear that he will never be given in his right to compensate for his honor: "I have currently filed a new criminal complaint both to him and Telecinco in the Criminal Courts of Madrid and I will interpose as many complaints as it deems appropriate, without truce or rest, so that Telecinco and Kiko Hernández will already know what to expect.Without referring that other procedures have been raised by other administrative channels for their immediate sanction ".Beyond this contentious, Liberto lives today away from all controversy and the relations with Blanca de Bourbon are wonderful, as he said in digital closure: "Excellent, unbeatable and respectful.My great weakness was always especially Borbón with which a very intimate, sincere and familiar friendship joins me, we love each other very much.Two days ago I could talk about Alfonso de Borbón Vidal de Barnola, a firstborn son of the infant of Spain and authentic heir of the dynastic line of that branch.All are legitimate grandchildren from Alfonso XIII ".

Royal protocol connoisseur, his work at the head of the Headquarters of the Bourbon House Austria was recognized in all areas of nobility and royalty.At present, he continues as a great master of the Imperial and Sovereign Royal.

[More information: what was from Nuria 'Fresita', the winner of 'Big Brother 5' who has changed the TV for radio]

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