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They assure that it is a good time to sell gold garments

This week the price of gold rose again and although in the past months it has remained fluctuating, it is ensured that it could be a good time for those who decide to exchange the precious metal for cash.

This is what the consulted jewelers understand it, who admit that the opportunity has not been reduced, the number of people approaching their businesses to sell pieces of gold has been reduced.

Ricardo Pabón, owner of the Zaak Art and Jewelry Gallery jewelry in old San Juan, said the price “has remained high;Now fine gold is at $ 1,800 the ounce.It is a good time for the seller, although it is already few people who still have good gold, because some years ago they went up a lot and people took the opportunity to sell it ”.

Although Pabón understands that there is still a movement for the sale of gold garments, he explained that the jewelry market has been affected by the lack of tourists who used to acquire them as part of their purchases when visiting the island.

“Cruise visitors have always been a very strong market for the sale of jewels.They bought a lot of chains, rings and screens, but with the lack of the cruises that arrived in San Juan, the sales have stagnated, ”said the jeweler on the lack of clients as a result of the cancellation of cruise ships because of the pandemic.

Aseguran que es un buen momento para vender prendas de oro

According to the raw material bag, New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the price of gold has risen this week at $ 5.36, which means a 0 rise.30%.This increase favors the gold market that, according to Pabón, does not have the same quality as in past decades.

“The sale of gold garments is moving, although it is not the same as before when the majority sold solid gold pieces.Now the garments are hollow, of lower quality than in the past.They relieve the weight to be able to sell it, ”said Pabón.

Jeanie Carrión, owner of Gold Center Express, in Rexville, Bayamón, said that clients of all ages are arriving at jewelry, but pointed out that the increase is recorded in the purchase of gold garments, and not in the number of people arrivingTo sell gold garments.

"Cuban chains and bracelets are being sold quite a lot - which are well heavy - but also ladies bracelets and marriage rings that always move, as well as thinner chains," Carrión said, while reiterating the lack ofpeople interested in selling their gold jewels.

In Platería Nelson, where gold is bought and garments are designed, in old San Juan, they also report that in the past few months few clients who want to sell garments that want to sell garments have been.

"Gold sales to business are slow because there is a lot.

The jewelry added that the price of gold will continue to rise and lower - going day by day - but keeping more or less stable.



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